Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I need to write

I admit it. It's been....9, 10 months since I've written? And since the onset of FB Scrabble, I've barely read any books. Busy, busy, busy...writing and reading have been low priority. But lately I've been getting subtle messages that I need to get my ya-yas out...in any creative outlet. I've thought about painting again, but I know I need to flex my writing muscles soon or any of the progress I made in the last 3 years of writing will slip farther away.
My mom sent me an article by Ann Lamott, a favorite author of ours, about making time to write. That people have the absolute best intentions. That they have ideas churning and burning in their heads, just waiting to be released. But the busy-busy-business always comes first. She said you have to decide on something busy and give it up, or you will never get to the writing.
I read this article and thought, yes, yes, that's me, I'm always making excuses....
This year has been even busier. I've spent oodles of time and money on my health. Losing weight, balancing hormones, detoxing, yogaing, making smoothies, packing a days worth of food to cart around on my busy day...even watching Big Love on the treadmill takes 53 minutes. Plus taking car of kids, dog, the yard.... no wonder at the end of the day all I want to do is play Scrabble on fB.
But enough.
I have been feeling a void. Or a surplus. It's my creativity. It's starting to back up...I need a creative outlet...soon.
But what to give up? I only sleep about 6 hours as it is.
Oh, I get it...it's doing this, blogging at the car wash in 45 minutes. It starts here. Because the more I say, the more I have to say :)

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely the truth... The more you write, the more words come bubbling up.

    I know that to be true, and yet am still silent on my side also. Although.... I feel a blog post coming soon. :-)
