Monday, September 15, 2008

I'd get more done if I had less time...

So here we are, almost one week later. Shit, with all the notecards I've scribbled on, freelance writer's sites I've visited, craiglist  writing ads I've perused, (somehow I ended up on a page with a picture of Barack Obama on the beach juxtaposed with a picture of a kidney in  a request for tickets to his speech...explain that one!) you'd think I would have written SOMETHING by now, and possibly made some money... so not the case. Besides 2 pages of binder paper I filled during Hayden's soccer practice, I've avoided being even remotely productive. My schedule was conveniently WIDE OPEN last week, which reminded me- I am deadline motivated. That is how I made my way through college in a mere seven years! I had assignments. I had due dates. I did NOT, however, have so many distractions. Celebrity gossip websites call to me. Anti-Sarah Palin e mails beckon to me to check out their verity. Myspace and Fecebook (haha that was seriously an honest typo...I mean Facebook) prove to me that resistance is futile. How do people with desk jobs EVER get their work done? And all I want to do when I sit down here is snack. Can I write while on the treadmill? If not, I am going to have a new career as a food critic.
I have a gift. This gift comes in two parts. The first is procrastination, the ability to move about the house for hours yet accomplish nothing visible. The second is rationalization, also known as making up excuses or lying to oneself. I am frequently seven minutes late leaving the house. This is a result of screwing around until the last minute then deciding I MUST accomplish something before I leave, like doing the dishes or shaving my legs. Once I am out of the house,  I can on time, even early.  I bust out to-do lists. But  originating motivation is not my forte. Especially with a tub of really, really stale red vines to fuel me, and piles of dogs and cats at my feet. (Seriously- I'm like the Pied Piper!)
So I intend to keep up with the blog, but who am I kidding.  I found freelance copywriting  jobs available at .05 a word,  telecommuting jobs organizing material for textbooks, ( experience needed!) and what exactly is entailed in the job of Latino Divorce Blogger? Hmm. My best bet is to hunker down, write my book, harrass publishers, and get it made into a movie.  But first, let me check :)


  1. write your book!

    start with the choicest bits...write incidents in great detail, and then tie them together later. at least that's what i'd do ^_^

  2. Yeah, I think that's the way to steps. Thanks for your input, its very important :)
